Invoicing is expensive. Everything but cost effective!

Registering, processing, administrating, documenting, and managing invoices is terribly expensive.

National Audit Office calculations show that the average processing cost of an invoice is 15 euros. 15 euros, at a point nothing has actually been done yet. The actual invoice hasn’t been made, checked out nor registered yet. Then that same invoice needs approval and of course a payment needs to be made. That too, costs a lot, and therefore this process is everything but cost-effective.

One of our customers had a controller working for them. He was stationed at the Creditors Department and he was responsible for the journal entry of invoices. If you additionally take into account his basic salary, you’ll be going way over those 15 euros. During the biggest part of his working day, this man was doing something completely different to what he had been hired for. He should be controlling costs and recognise and advise the board of profitable opportunities, not this. So last summer he calls our company: “What do you charge for processing an invoice?” was his somewhat direct question. Considering this was something we had never done before, we didn’t have a direct answer. In the meantime, we are processing about 50-100 invoices on a daily basis. Not only can we do it in a fraction of the time, but also for a very low price. And the controller will actually be able to take care of real controller tasks. Invoices, renewal notes, declarations and credit notes, we process them all!

Would you be interested to talk, completely free of charge, to one of our account managers about what we can do for you company? Or do you just want to be freed of that huge amount of work that needs booking in? We will happily step in. Among others, we do this for:

– The head office of an insurance company
– A large franchise organization
– A body shop for their declarations and invoices for the insurance companies

Whatever type of processing of data it is you’re looking for, we can do it.

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